Contact: Paul Carta

Carta & Co, are based in Ingham, North Queensland. The company was started 30 years ago by Tony Carta and in the years to follow was passed to his son Paul Carta to take the reins.

Carta engineer and manufacture cane transporters for the sugar industry. In 1990 when the company began, Carta started to manufacture the Carta Cane Transporters, their own design and brand of transporter that was revolutionary in the market. Since then they have sent more than 600 units out into the world.

Over the years the demand hasn’t stopped for new transporters, however they now also manufacture parts and maintain a spare parts business for their valued customers.

Tidal Fluid Power have worked closely with Paul Carta for over 18 years. Paul’s father, Tony designed the haul out trailer that their Denison Double Vane pumps are used on.

Paul is a degreed engineer and Tidal Fluid Power continue to supply these Vane pumps on a regular basis keeping stock on hand for them when they need it.

As mentioned above, Paul Carta has been dealing directly with Tidal Fluid Power for many years.
Paul explained that during that time, “Tidal Fluid Power have given us no reason whatsoever to want to leave or stop using their company”. He continued to say that he always finds working with the team at Tidal Fluid power a positive experience.

“Any issues, and there are not many, are dealt with quickly and efficiently,” Paul went on to say.
When asked about his opinion of the Tidal Fluid Power products Paul said that within the industry Tidal Fluid Power are one of the best and offer a high quality in comparison to some of the other products out there.”

“I would, and do, use Tidal Fluid Power again and again and will continue to do so,” said Paul, and I have no problem at all in recommending Steve and the team to other contacts.”

